The Places You'll Go

I am sure all parents feel an overwhelming sense of pride for every accomplishment and milestone our children go through. When I became a mom, I wholeheartedly embraced the joy and the responsibility of raising my daughter whose life I was entrusted with. I changed from dreaming for myself to dreaming for us both and visualizing a happy, fulfilled life for my daughter and myself.

Bianca recently graduated from high school, and in the morning of her graduation day I gifted her with this Dr. Seuss book which I bought way back in 2008. I meant to give it to her when she graduated from college, but I know in my heart that she is already going places and the timing couldn't be more perfect.

When I saw her go up on stage to receive her diploma, I was bursting with so much pride and joy. She's always been self motivated and responsible and never once gave me any reason to doubt that she can accomplish all that she is set out to achieve.

My Dearest Bianca,

Congratulations! I am so proud of you. My only wish for you is to be happy. Continue to dream big. Do not fear the future, because I always have your back. I am your biggest fan and supporter and I am with you through thick and thin.

So, go out and see the world as you have planned, and whenever possible, take me along with you?  :)

Today is your day.
You're off to Great Places!
You're off and away!"
- Dr. Seuss

I had actually forgotten about buying this book. I wanted to give Bianca a meaningful graduation gift, and suddenly remembered that I had kept this book at the back of my closet all this time. I have always taught her to live with purpose and with intention, and this book perfectly sums up my hopes and dreams for her. ❤

1 comment:

  1. Good job on making a great blog! :) :D :-) ..... :)
    From your cute cousin reed Henares

