Kitchen Stories- Vanilla Cupcakes

Mom and I decided to kick off the long weekend by baking some cupcakes. We are so inspired to bake after the A+++ cookies we made last Saturday. Baking brings happiness to this household and fills our kitchen with the most amazing smells. Even my Tita Donna joined in the fun by helping us make the frosting and mix the batter!

Had to fight the urge to lick the spatula. Can you see the little specks of vanilla bean? Mmmm.

The cutest pink spatula and the lined muffin tray we used to make our cupcakes : )

We just used a serving spoon to put in the batter, but next time we want to try using an ice cream scoop so the size of the cupcakes will be even!

Golden yellow cupcakes, fresh out of the oven.

We used Stonewall Kitchen's Vanilla Cupcake Mix. Since we're still using a small toaster oven for our baking, my mom thinks using baking mixes are safer and fool proof because of oven temperature.

Added some pretty Vanilla Bean Buttercream frosting to a few cupcakes and they were ready to eat. Can't wait to share these with my friends!

I honestly think that baking is good for the soul! I really want to bake again next weekend. Hopefully, we can try making something from scratch next time. What are you all doing for this lovely, lazy, long weekend? : )

Stonewall Kitchen 
Vanilla Cupcake Mix
(includes frosting mix)
available at Rustan's Supermarket 

